ICT interdisciplinary research group

Jackeline Velazco

Associate Professor at the Economics Department, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and Lecturer at University of Girona (Spain).

Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Manchester (UK), Master degree in Development Studies, with a specialization in Agricultural and Rural Development, at the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague and Licenciatura degree in Economics from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (Lima).

Her research experience on development economics, with emphasis on applied microeconomics, covers three main areas: a) agricultural economics and rural development (market analysis, rural non-farm activities, food security issues at the household level, agricultural policy and food policy); b) well-being and quality of life research in developing countries (poverty, happiness economics, objective and subjective analysis of wellbeing), as well as social protection and informal economy; and c) household behaviour and household economics (production, consumption and labour allocation). 

E-mail: jackeline.velazco@udg.edu

Researchgate, ORCID, Google Scholar


Journal Articles 


(2020). Book review published in the journal Historia Agraria de América Latina, Vol.1, Issue 1, pp.137-140. Rachel Corr, Interwoven. Andean Lives in Colonial Ecuador’s Textile Economy. Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 2018, 219 pp. ISBN-13: 978-8165-3773-0


(2019) Martín-Retortillo, M., Pinilla, V., Velazco, J., and Willebald, H. “The Dynamics of Latin American Agricultural Production Growth since 1950”. Journal of Latin American Studies, August, Vol. 51, Issue 3, pp. 573-605.


(2018) Book review published in the Revista Historia Agraria No. 75, Agosto. Germán Carrillo García. Desarrollo rural y cooperativismo agrario en Ecuador: Trayectorias históricas de los pequeños productores en la economía global Madrid, Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, 2014, 416 páginas.


(2018) Torrent-Sellens, J.; Velazco-Portocarrero, J.; Viñas-Bardolet, C. “Knowledge-Based Work and Job Satisfaction: Evidence from Spain”. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, Volume 9, Issue 2, pp. 576- 612. 


(2016) Velazco, J. and Ballester, R. “Food Access and Shocks in Rural Households: Evidence from Bangladesh and Ethiopia”. Social Indicator Research, Vol. 129, pp 527-549.


(2015) Ballester, R; Velazco, J; Rigall i Torrent, R.  “Effects of the Great Recession on immigrants’ household consumption in Spain.”  Social Indicators Research, Volume 123, Issue 3, pp 771–797.


(2014) Butinyà, L.; Velazco, J.; Rigall-I-Torrent, R. “Determinants of on-farm diversification: The case of farmers in Catalonia.”  Revista Española de Estudios Agrosociales y Pesqueros  238:  37-64.


(2013) Fuertes, P. and Velazco, J. “Les ménages au Pérou (1999-2009): Transformations en période d’expansion économique”. In Problèmes d’Amérique Latine, No. 88: 25-53.


(2013) Guillen, M., Camfield. L., and Velazco, J. “Universal and local reconciled. Exploring satisfaction with universal and local goals in Thailand and Bangladesh”. In Social Indicator Research).  September, Volume 113, Issue 2, pp 627-645 

(2013) Guillen. M., Velazco, J, and Camfield, L. “Basic Needs and Wealth as Independent Determinants of Happiness: An Illustration from Thailand”. In  Social Indicators Research. January, Volume 110, Issue 2, pp 517-536

(2010) Camfield, L., Guillén, M. and Velazco, J. “Does Needs Satisfaction Matter for Psychological and Subjective Wellbeing in Developing Countries: A Mixed-Methods Illustration from Bangladesh and Thailand”. In Journal of Happiness Studies, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 497-516.  

(2009) Copestake, J., Guillén, M., Chou, W., Hinks, T., and Velazco, J. “The Relationship Between Economic and Subjective Wellbeing Indicators in Peru”. In Applied Research in Quality of Life, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.155-177. 

(2007) McGregor, J., McKay, A. and Velazco, J. “Needs and resources in the investigation of well-being in developing countries: illustrative evidence from Bangladesh and Peru”. In the Journal of Economic Methodology, Vol. 14, No. 1. pp.107–131. 

(2006) Velazco, J., Young, T. and Colman, D. “Non-farm rural activities in a peasant economy: The case of North Peruvian Sierra”. In Journal of International Development, Vol.18, pp. 207-221.  

(2005) Velazco, J. “La protección social para trabajadores informales en el Perú: estimación de su cobertura”. In Revista Economía y Sociedad 55, CIES, March 2005.

(2001) Velazco, J. “El trabajador agropecuario en el Perú: Una aproximación a partir de la encuesta nacional de hogares del III trimestre de 1999” (The agriculture worker in Peru: An approach using the 1999 National Household Survey),  in Boletín de Economía Laboral, year 5, No. 18, January  2001.

(1996) Velazco, J. “The expansion of Textile rural industry and the development of mining: The XVI-XVII centuries in Virreynato of Peru”, in Cibertextos, No. 5, year 2, November 1996.


(2017) Fuertes, P. y Velazco, J. Servicios públicos básicos, evasión y elusión tributaria 2006-2016: Impacto en las mujeres y niñas. El caso del Perú. Lima: ISP (Internacional de Servicios Públicos).

 (1999) Vega-Centeno, M. and Velazco, J.  Empleo, desempleo y capacitación de Jóvenes en ciudades secundarias en el Perú. (Employment, unemployment and training of young workers in Peruvian cities), Lima, International Labour Office.   Paper No. 97. ISBN: 92-2-311623-6

Chapters in Books

(2019) Velazco, J., Ballester, R and Rigall, R. “Impacto de la Gran Recesión en el consumo de alimentos de las familias españolas (2006-2015)” en Llobet, M., Durán, P., Magaña, C, and Muñoz García, A. (editoras). (Re)pensando los retos alimentarios desde las ciencias sociales: contextos de precarización, respuestas y actuaciones. Barcelona: Oberta UOC Publishing, S.L.U 

(2018) Velazco, J. and Pinilla, V. Development models, agricultural policies, and agricultural growth: Peru, 1950-2010. In V. Pinilla and H. Willebald (Eds.), Agricultural development in the world periphery: A global economic history approach. Palgrave Macmillan, pp.  413-438.

(2018) Martín-Retortillo, M., Pinilla, V., Velazco, J., and Willebald, H.. The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs? Agricultural Development in Latin America in the 20th century. In V. Pinilla, & H. Willebald (Eds.), Agricultural development in the world periphery: A global economic history approach. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 337-364

(2016) Velazco, Jackeline y Julia Velazco. “Estimativa do valor econômico do trabalho não remunerado: Uma aplicação para o Peru”. En Fontoura, N. y C. Araújo (Editoras), Uso do Tempo e Gênero. Rio de Janeiro: UERJ e IPEA, pp. 139-166

(2013) Velazco, Jackeline and Velazco, Julia. Estimación del Valor Económico del Trabajo no Remunerado: Una aplicación para Perú”. En Movimiento Manuela Ramos. El Uso del Tiempo de las Mujeres. Análisis Metodológico de la valoración económica del trabajo gratuito de las personas y datos de la I Encuesta Nacional de Uso del Tiempo. Dos estudios y dos reflexiones. Pp. 11-73 Lima: Movimiento Manuela Ramos. 

(2013) Velazco, J. and Pinilla, V. “Access to Land and Income Diversification, the Peruvian–Andean Case 1998–2000”. In  Hillbom, E. and  Svensson, P. (editors). Agricultural Transformation in a Global History Perspective. Routledge. ISBN – 13: 9780415684958 

(2012) Velazco, Jackeline and Velazco, Julia. “Características del Empleo Agrícola en el Perú”. In Garavito, C. and Muñoz, I. (editors). Empleo y Protección Social en el Perú. Lima: Fondo Editorial, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. ISBN: 978-612-4146-17-6

(2012) Guillén, M. and Velazco, J. “Happy villages and unhappy slums?: understanding happiness determinants in Peru”. In Selin, H.   (editor). Happiness across Cultures. Views of Happiness and Quality of Life in Non-Western Cultures. London, New York: Springer. ISBN 978-94-007-2699-4.

(2008) Copestake, J., Chou, W., Guillén, M., Hinks, T and Velazco, J. “Economic welfare, poverty and subjective wellbeing”. Co-autores:, in Copestake, J. (editor). Wellbeing and Development in Peru: Local and Universal Views Confronted. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.  ISBN: 0-230-60869-8.

(2001) Velazco, J.  “Agricultural production in Peru (1950-1995): Sources of growth”, in Zepeda, Lydia (Ed.) Agricultural Investment and Productivity in Developing Countries.  Economic and Social Development Paper No. 148. Rome: FAO.  ISBN : 92-5-104553-4

(2001) Velazco, J. and Zepeda, L. “Determinants of agricultural investment by small-scale producers in Peru”. in Zepeda, Lydia (Ed.) Agricultural Investment and Productivity in Developing Countries. Economic and Social Development Paper No. 148. Rome: FAO.  ISBN : 92-5-104553-4

(2000, 20002 and 2003) Velazco, J.  “El proceso de reconstrucción en comunidades campesinas afectadas por la violencia política: El rol de las políticas sociales (un enfoque económico)”, (The rehabilitation process in peasant communities affected by political violence: The role of social policies, an economic approach), en Portocarrero, Felipe (Editor). Políticas Sociales en el Perú: Nuevos Aportes (Social Policies in Peru: New Contributions). Lima: Red para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias Sociales en el Perú. ISBN : 9972-603-25-3

(1993) Velazco, J. and Beteta, E. “La Demanda de formación técnica para el sector agropecuario, in Demanda de Educación técnica en el Perú. (“The demand of   technical training at the Peruvian agriculture”, book chapter in Demand for technical education in Peru). Lima: Ministerio de Educación del Perú – Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional. Pp. 133-188. 

(1992) Velazco, J. “Azucar: Verdad y mito de una prolongada crisis.” (“Sugar: Truth and Myth of a long crisis”). Escobal, Javier (Ed.), in    Peru:The Agrarian Problem in Debate. SEPIA IV. Lima.

Working Papers

(2019) Martín-Retortillo, M.; Pinilla, V., Velazco,J. and Willebald, H. Is there a Latin American agricultural growth pattern? Factor endowments and productivity in the second half of the twentieth century. European Historical Economics Society (EHES) Working Papers, No. 0145

(2016) Martín-Retortillo, M.; Pinilla, V., Velazco,J. and Willebald, H.  The dynamics of latin american agricultural production growth, 1950-2008. Documentos de Trabajo (DT-AEHE), No. 1610

(2014) Velazco-Portocarrero, J.,  Torrent-Sellens, J. and Viñas, C. Job satisfaction of Spanish knowledge-based workers: Characterization and determinants – IN3 Working Paper Series, 2014

(2013) Velazco, J. “Rebuilding the State in Areas Affected by Political Violence: The Case of Rural Communities in Ayacucho, Peru,” HiCN Working Papers 159, Households in Conflict Network.

(2012) Velazco, J. and Pinilla, V. “Peasant households’ access to land in times of economic changes and political violence, the Andean case in the late Twentieth century”.  Spanish Society of Agricultural History (Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria, SEHA), Working Paper  No. 12-05. 

(2011) Karfakis, P., Velazco, J.,  Moreno, E. and Covarrubias, K.  “Impact of increasing prices of agricultural commodities on poverty”. ESA working Paper No. 11-14. Agricultural Development Economics Division, FAO-Rome

(2007) Copestake, J., Guillen Royo, M.,  Chou, WJ., Hinks, T. and Velazco, J. “An Analysis of the Multiple Links Between Economic and Subjective Wellbeing Indicators Using Data From Peru”. Working Paper No. 35,  WeD Research Group, University of Bath.

(2007) Velazco, J. “Hat making in Peru: A pathway out of poverty” in Rural Livelihoods, id 21 Natural Resources Highlights 4, March.

(2006) Guillen, M. and Velazco, J. “Exploring the relationship between happiness, objective and subjective well-being: Evidence from rural Thailand.  With Guillen, M. Working Paper No. 16, WeD Research Group, University of Bath. http://www.bath.ac.uk/econ-dev/wellbeing/research/workingpaperpdf/wed16.pdf

(2005) Jongudomkarn, D., Camfield, L, Guillen, M. and Velazco, J.  “Exploring wellbeing in Thailand: initial findings from Quality of Life (QoL) and Resources and Needs Questionnaire (RANQ)”.  With. In WeD Newsletter-Universty of Bath. Vol. 3, No. 2 Noviembre 2005.

(2004) Velazco, J. “Toolbox: Wed’s Resources and Needs Questionnaire (RANQ)”. In WeD Newsletter-University of Bath. Vol. 2, No. 2 Noviembre 2004.

(1998) Velazco, J. Las actividades rurales no agrarias en la Sierra Norte del Perú  (Rural non-farm activities from the Northern highlands of Peru). Working Paper No. 150. Economics Department, Catholic University of Peru, October.

(1998) Velazco, J. La asistencia alimentaria en los hogares rurales pobres dirigidos por mujeres: Un enfoque microeconómico (Rural poor female-headed household and food assistance: A microeconomic approach). Working Paper No. 152. Economics Department, Catholic University of Peru, October.

(1998) Velazco, J. La migración laboral internacional como estrategia familiar de ingresos: El caso de los peruanos en Italia. (International labour migration as income family strategy: The case of Peruvians in Italy). Working Paper No. 157. Economics Department, Catholic University of Peru, October.

(1997) Velazco, J. “Ajuste estructural y su impacto en familias rurales. Estudio de caso” (Structural adjustment and its impact on rural families. A case study) in Estadísticas con Enfoque de Género para el Sector Rural.  Memoria Taller. Lima: Ministerio de Agricultura, FAO, IICA e INEI.

(1990) Velazco, J., Velazco T. Sulen, F. Crisis y movilización popular. (“Crisis and popular movements”). Working Papers. CISEPA  No. 81. PUCP-Department of Economics.

(1990) Velazco, J., Velazco, T. and Sulen, F. Movilizaciones agrarias 1985-1989: Un análisis económico. (“Agrarian movements 1985-1989: An Economic Analysis”). Working  Papers CISEPA  No.  89. PUCP-Department of Economics.

(1989) Lajo M., Velazco, J. and Rebosio, G. Agroalimentación dependiente y opciones de reactivación.  (“Subordinate food system and recovery options”.) Working Papers CISEPA  No. 79. PUCP- Department of Economics.

Papers Presented in Conferences 

(2020) “The role of public policy in the expansion of the new agro-export model since 1990s: Insights from the Peruvian case”, paper presented at the annual conference of the Latin American Economic Association (LASA). Virtual conference, 13-16 May 2020.

(2019) “How are gender income gap and gender time-use gap interrelated? Identifying their potential costs, insights form a developing country”. Paper presented at the Gender and Macroeconomic workshop on “the Inequality, Development and Growth”, organized by the Levy Economics Institute, New York, September 26-27, 2019. With Patricia Fuertes

(2019) “The new agro-export model and family farming: Explorations from the Peruvian case”. Paper presented at the 4th European Rural History Organization Conference organized by the EHESS, Paris, 10-13 September 2019.

(2019) Persistent inequalities and poverty in Peru: What is the role of social policies? Paper presented at the annual conference of the Latin American Economic Association (LASA). Boston, 24-27 May 2019.

(2018) “Quantity and Quality Dimensions of Food Access at an Individual Level: Identifying the Triple Burden of Malnutrition Cases”. E- poster presented at “Accelerating the End of Hunger and Malnutrition. A Global Conference”, organized by IFPRI and FAO, Bangkok, Thailand 28-30 November.

 (2018) “Impact of the Great Recession on food consumption patterns of Spanish households (2006-2015)”. Paper presented at the Conference of the Red Española de Políticas Sociales, “Políticas Sociales ante horizontes de incertidumbre y desigualdad”, organized by Zaragoza University, 4-5th October. With Ramon Ballester and Ricard Rigall.

(2018) “El nuevo modelo agroexportador y la agricultura familiar: Exploraciones a partir del caso peruano (1990-2015)”. Paper presented at II Congreso Internacional: Transiciones en la Agricultura y la Sociedad Rural. Los desafíos globales de la Historia Rural y XVI Congreso de Historia Agraria – SEHA. Conference took place 20-23 June in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

(2017) “The changing roles of agriculture in the economic growth process: Contrasting theory and evidence, the Peruvian case”. Paper presented at the Third Quantitative Agricultural and Natural Resources History Conference (AGRICLIOMETRICS III), organised by Magdelene College, University of Cambridge , UK,  3rd – 4th  April 2017.

(2017) “Las Brechas de Género en la Agricultura Familiar Peruana: Desafíos de Política Pública”. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Latin American Economic Association (LASA), organised by the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, Perú, 29th  April – 1st May 2017.

  (2017) “Development models, agricultural policies and agricultural growth: Peru,1950-2010”. Paper presented at Agricultural Development in the World Periphery Conference organised by the University of Zaragoza, Spain, 29th -30th March, 2017.

(2016) Is there a Latin American pattern? An analysis of the agriculture in the second half of the 20th century. Paper presented at the Old and New Worlds: the Global Challenges of Rural History – International Conference, V Encontro Rural RePort and the XV Congreso de Historia Agraria de la SEHA Lisbon, 27th – 30th January 2016. With Miguel Martín-Retortillo, Vicente Pinilla and Henry Willebald.

(2015) “Total Factor Productivity and Sources of Growth in Peruvian Agriculture (1950-2010)”. Paper presented at the Third Workshop “New Economic Historians of Latin America, organised by the University of Barcelona, Barcelona August 2015.

(2015) “Total Factor Productivity and Sources of Growth in Peruvian Agriculture (1950-2010)”. Paper presented at the 40th Conference of the Spanish Economic Association, Girona 10-12 December, 2015.

(2015) “Total Factor Productivity and Sources of Growth in Peruvian Agriculture (1950-2010)”. Documento presentado en el Second Quantitative Agricultural and Natural Resources History Conference (AGRICLIOMETRICS II) Zaragoza, 4th-5th June 2015

(2015) “Smallholder Farmer Access and Basic Needs Satisfaction: Evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru and Thailand”. Paper presented at the Rural History 2015 Conference held in Girona, Spain, 7th – 10th September 2015. With Ramon Ballester

(2015) “Las Actividades Rurales no Agrarias en Economía Campesina. Una Tipología a partir de estudios de casos de la Sierra Peruana”. Ponecia presentada en los Seminnaris d’Història Rural, Universitat de Girona, 18th December, 2015.

(2013)“Total Factor Productivity in Latin American agriculture: A comparative analysis since 1950”. Paper presented at the XIV International Congress of the SEHA (Spanish Society of Agrarian Studies) that will take place in Badajoz from 6-9 November, 2013. With Miguel Martín-Retortillo, Vicente Pinilla and Henry Willebald.

(2013)“The Value of Unpaid Household Work in Peru: An application using the National Time-Use Survey 2010”. Paper presented at   the 35th International Association for Time Use Research Conference – “The value of time: Addressing social inequalities”, which took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 7 to 9 August 2013. With Julia Velazco.

(2013) “Determinants of Job Satisfaction, the Role of Knowledge-based Employment: An Illustration from Spain”. Paper presented at the X Jornadas de Economía Laboral, Madrid, July. With Clara Viñas and Joan Torrent.

(2013)”Efectos de la crisis económica sobre el consumo en España: el papel de las variables laborales”. Paper presented at the X Jornadas de Economía Laboral, Madrid, July. With Ramon Ballester and Ricard Rigall

(2013)”Efectos de la crisis económica sobre el consumo de los hogares
inmigrantes en España”. Paper presented at the IV Congreso de la Red Española de Política Social. Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, June. With Ramon Ballester and Ricard Rigall.

(2012) “Determinants of Job Satisfaction, the role of knowledge-based employment: An Illustration from Spain”. Paper presented at the Research Seminars organized by the  Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya), Barcelona, November 2012.

(2012) “Quantity and Quality Dimensions of Food Access at an Individual Level: Identifying the Triple Burden of Malnutrition Cases”. Paper presented at the International Scientific Symposium on “Food and Nutrition Security Information: From valid measurement to effective decision making” organized by FAO, Rome January 16-19, 2012.

(2011) “Assessing the impact of rising food prices on household welfare: An application to Peru”. Paper presented at the XXXV Conference of the Spanish Economic Association, Malaga December 2011.

(2011) “Agriculture Sector and Economic growth in Peru: Evidence from Co-integration Analysis”, paper presented at the XIII International Congress of the SEHA (Spanish Society of Agrarian Studies) that took place in Lleida from 12-14 May 2011.

(2010) “Economic Crisis and household decisions: Evidence from Spain”. Co-author: Ramon Ballester. Paper presented at the XXXIV Conference of the Spanish Economic Association, Madrid 16-18 December 2010.

(2009) “Non-farm rural activities in peasant economy: Options for poverty reduction, the case of Peru”. 4th Annual Conference of the GARNET Network Roma, November 2009.

(2008) “Food Access and Shocks in Rural Households: Evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia and Peru”. Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, organized by the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, UK

(2008) “Exploring food access at the household level: Some conceptual and empirical issues”. Seminar organized by ESA-FAO, Italy. 

(2007) “Food Insecurity Assessment in Peru: Summary”, Seminar organized by Statistic Unit of FAO-Rome.

(2007) “Happiness in Thailand: Basic needs and wealth in a context of rapid change”, with Guillén, M.and Camfield, L. Paper presented at the International Conference on “Happiness and Public Police”, Bangkok – Thailand.

(2005)  “Exploring the relationship between needs satisfaction and access to resources at the household level: Evidence from Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Peru and Thailand”. Proposal as work-in-progress presented at SCEME Seminar in Economic Methodology ‘The methodology of Development Economics’ on 9 December University of Stirling, UK.

(2005) “OWB and SWB measures as determinants of happiness:  A comparative analysis of rural Thailand and rural Peru”. Joint paper with Monica Guillen. Paper presented in Social Policy Association 38th Annual Conference: Well Being and Social Justice. The University of Bath, UK, 27th – 29th June 2005.

(2005) “Exploring the relationship between happiness, objective and subjective well-being: Evidence from rural Thailand”. Joint paper with Monica Guillen. Paper presented in Capabilities and Happiness Work-Shop at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, 16th – 18th June 2005.  

(2005) “The reconstruction of the State in population affected by political violence: The case of peasant communities from Ayacucho, Peru”. Selected paper as one of five finalists in the Conflict, Human Security, and Migration category of the 2005 Global Development Medal Competition for Outstanding Research on Development. The Sixth Annual Global Development Conference will be held January 24-26, 2005 at Dakar, Senegal.

(2003) “Non-farm rural activities in a peasant economy: The case of North Peruvian Sierra”. Paper accepted as a contributed paper at the 25th International Conference of IAAE (International Association of Agricultural Economist) in Durban, South Africa 17th – 22nd August 2003. Paper also presented at 8th Annual Meeting of LACEA (Latin American and Caribbean Economic Association), Puebla-Mexico, 9 -11 October de 2003.

(2001) “Non-farm rural activities in peasant economy: Options for poverty reduction, the case of Peru” Conference paper presented at Development Studies Association, Manchester (UK) September 2001.

(1999) “Pobreza y políticas públicas: El caso de una comunidad de resistentes en Ayacucho”. (“Poverty and Public Policies: The case of a ‘resistant’ community in Ayacucho’). Conference paper presented at Seminario Permanente de Investigación Agraria (SEPIA VIII), held in Chiclayo, Peru, September 1999.

(1997)  “Mujer y Economía Rural: ¿Qué es lo que sabemos?” (Mimeo)  “Women and the rural economy: What do we know?” Conference Paper presented at VII Seminar of Agrarian Research in Peru (SEPIA), August 1997.

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