i2TIC member activities May – June 2012


  • New article by the i2TIC researcher Joan Boada Grau:
  • Boada-Grau, J., Costa-Solé, J., Gil-Ripoll, C. y Vigil-Colet, A. (2012). Desarrollo y validación de dos escalas sobre las prácticas de retribución: PRG-13 y PRE-21. Psicothema, 24, 461-469.

  • “New press article by the i2TIC director Joan Torrent, “Catalunya 5.0”, El Punt Avui, June 27, 2012.

  • “Acción comunitaria en la red”, new book edited by the i2TIC researcher Ismael Peña López and Francesc Balagué Puxan:
  • Peña-López, I.; Balagué Puxan, F. (Coords.) (2012). Acción comunitaria en la Red. Barcelona: Graó. [+info]

  • The i2TIC researcher Francisco Lupiáñez participated at the 5th connference “[sic] Debates sobre tendencias en la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento”, [sic] Health & ICT. June 20, 2012, Junta de Andalucía, IPTS, UOC. Sevilla: UOC
  • [+info]

  • The i2TIC director Joan Torrent has been cited on different press articles:
  • • “¿Cuánto debe ganar un emprendedor?” a Expansión, 11/06/12.

    • “¿Cuánto debe ganar un emprendedor?” a Granada Empresas, 12/06/12.

    • “He fracasado… y me he levantado” a Cinco Días, 09/06/12.

  • New comunication from Ismael Peña, “Microblogging en el aula. De la información a la participación” at III Jornada sobre Docencia del Derecho y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación, June 08, 2012. Barcelona.
  • [+info]

  • Available the full draft report of “Citizens and ict for health in 14 EU countries: results from an online panel survey”: Strategic Intelligence Monitor on Personal Health Systems phase 2 (SIMPHS 2) Citizens and ICT for Health in 14 EU Countries: Results from an Online Panel
  • [pdf]

  • On 14 May 2012 i2TIc researcher Ismael Peña imparted the seminar Why the Information Society made a good bunch of Law obsolete at the Magister Lvcentinvs on Intellectual Property at the University of Alicante, Spain, kindly invited by Aurelio López-Tarruella, expert and professor on Intellectual Property.
  • The seminar was split in three parts:

    (1) The Network Society, or how industrial institutions’ feet became of clay. [+info]

    (2) The Web 2.0, or how individuals became mass media. [+info]

    (3) The Internet, or how Law became (even) more complicated. [+info]

  • Joan Torrent presented Catalunya 5.0 De l’empresa xarxa a la societat emprenedora conference at “Jornada Empresa a la Catalunya Central”, Manresa, May 05, 2012.

  • Ismael Peña participated at Experts’ Validation Workshop on the topic of Measuring the impact of eInclusion actors on Digital Literacy with eInclusion Intermediaries in Europe: horizon 2020 paper. IPTS-JRC, Seville, 3-4 May 2012.
  • [presentation]

  • The i2TIC researcher Ismael Peña participated at the 2nd connference “[sic] Debates sobre tendencias en la Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento”, with the conference Más que cables. Indicadores de la sociedad de la información, May 2, 2012, Junta de Andalucía, IPTS, UOC. Sevilla.
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